What is your listening chair?

I am sure this has been discussed some time in the past, but I am curious what kind of chair audio nuts are using out there...
Just sold two leather recliners and bought two leather Poang chairs from Ikea. They seem to be better for listening to music.
What say you? What is your listening chair? Why do you like it or not??
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I also use a pair of the leather version of the Poang chairs.  I originally used the cloth cushions and maybe that is geoffkait's objection?  The leather surfaces don't absorb any sound.  At least to my ears they sound better than the cloth cushions.  Maybe I just like the leather better and have a bias.

My friend who comes over frequently, prefers to remove the head cushions.  He claims losing those improves the sound.  I don't hear any difference.  We're all different I guess.

Re Poang chairs. It’s the foam used in their construction that’s the problem. It is the same type foam as used for Sonex acoustic foam squares or very similar. Sonex also hurts the sound, even a small amount in the room makes the sound all phasey and wooly sounding. “Sonex - The Industry Standard”  😬
Maybe the best chair is no chair. Tim Cook CEO Apple informed employees last week they will be replacing chairs and desks with standing desks, citing doctors’ concerns that sitting is the new cancer. Healthier, more productive. Makes sense. I listen to headphones standing up, now. And surf the internet on my iPad on my makeshift standing desk, two CD cartons stacked on top of the table. No problemo!  What’s next, standing desks for airline pilots and bus drivers? Poker tournaments?
Glad I don't work for Apple.  I would rather it be my choice.  I agree that we sit too much.  My desk raises and lowers.  Exercise regularly if you can.  It can stave off hypertension and type 2 diabetes, and a myriad of other problems.

+1  Stressless.  Expensive but worth it.
One can’t help wondering how long will it be before the Government regulates standing desks, at least for Govvies. You know, like they finally did for seatbelts and motorcycle helmets. Like companies and restaurants etc. finally did for smokers.