Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?

As just another way to build a loudspeaker system why such disputes in forums when horns are mentioned?    They can solve many issues that plague standard designs but with all things have there own.  So why such hate?  As a loudspeaker designer I work with and can appreciate all transducer and loudspeaker types and I understand that we all have different needs budgets experiences tastes biases.  But if you dare suggest horns so many have a problem with that suggestion..why?
The issue of whether horn systems deliver proper "imaging" depends, in part, on what one considers important in that department.  Most horn systems are physically large, and like a lot of other large speakers, they deliver a "big" sound.  The sound seems to fill up a large volume of space and envelop the listener.  I like this quality a lot.  When one listens to tiny speakers, even when they play quite loudly, one can sense that the sound is coming from a small source and it does not seem to have realistic scale. 
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Congrats on your Focal Aria 936s. You own the best speakers ever made anywhere. They absolutely trounce every other speaker in every imaginable way.

There ya go, hope that helps you sleep better.
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