The best mini monitors you have heard?

Two ways, either stand-mounted or small floor standers. If you have good experience, could you share? I have been using the Kharma 3.2s for a few years, so take that as my reference point. I have heard the Magico Minis...impressive initially but too aggressive for prolonged listening..and arguably overpriced IMHO. I haven't heard the MKII version. I recently heard the Dynaudio Confidence C1, driven by Plinius electronics. I was impressed, esp when i found out it can be had for 1/3 to 1/4 the price of the 3.2s or the Minis. What else is out there? please share.
Best monitor I ever heard were the Platinum Audio Reference 1's they needed juice but could they play.
Has anyone who has heard the Magico Minis thought any other mini-monitor was better? I have not heard one. I heard them at the Stereophile show with VAC Phi integrated and that was surely the best monitor performance I ever heard - at a very steep price though.
My friend has the Magico Minis.Previously a wonderful pair(too big for room) of three way Kharmas.I have heard a load of superb mini monitors.Love the Dynaudio C-1's,and the Sonus Faber Guarneri Momentos.I do Think the C-1's are hands down,the best overall value....including the best I have heard,and by a good margin,which are definitely the Magico Minis!...But...the current asking price(30,000 dollars) of the Minis is definitely way out of line,IMO.They are superb,but don't kill the C-1's,to the degree of the price differential.
I think the TAD monitor,which is still being developed,will come in a bit lower in price than the Magico(if TAD is clever),and give it a real run for the money.I hope so,anyway!
Good luck.
A friend has the Magico's which I've heard many many times. Yes they are good but I prefer the Ridgestreet Sason's to the Mini's for a couple of reasons. First, the Sason's disappear like no other speaker I've heard. They, the Sason's, also layer front to back better than any other speaker I've heard. I also think the Sason's are the more transparent to the source of the two. Factor in price and it's a no brainer. Even if price weren't a factor, it wouldn't change my preference. Ridgestreet is a low profile company so you may have to work at it a bit to hear a pair but it will be worh it.