price of Oppo players threw the roof

Was over at Amazon the 203 was priced around $1100. Pure greed.
Are you saying that if you bought one, you THREW your money away, like maybe over the roof?  Just be glad you did not buy the $500 one that was rebadged,, repackaged,  and sold for $2500.  Supply and demand also affected the $100 the Sony digital tuner. Just try to get one for several times that price.
The bottom line is that no one is twisting anyone's arm to pay those crazy prices. Perhaps one way of looking at it is that if the people paying those prices had really wanted an Oppo, why didn't they buy one previously?  Even when the announcement was made, they still had a backlog of inventory to sell. Why didn't they jump on one of those at normal price? 

The procrastinators willing to pay inflated prices are being penalized for not taking action. I hardly feel sorry for them. Personally, I wouldn't pay those kind of over inflated asking prices. 

I also wonder why Oppo would stop selling them if there was still a market. Obviously another manufacturer was taking their business, meaning that consumers felt other products were more desirable.
They are still available at the original msrp from authorized settlers or direct. No need to pay the over inflated prices on Amazon or eBay. Stock is low, and may even be already gone, but I reserved mine about two months ago, and should be receiving it soon.

Never understood people with no concept of free market economy.  There is no moral obligation on the part of a seller to be a nice guy and sell for less than the going price for any item - his goal is to get as much as the market will bear, end of story.

For example, if you are the owner of a wine shop with a stock of a wine that was worth $50 the day before the Wine Spectator or Parker gives it a 100 point score, are you morally bankrupt when the price shoots to $300 a bottle if you also price your stock at that level?  No, but you'd be an idiot if you sold it for the old price.
Some of us bought the 203 for $850 delivered. I'd imagine some even paid less for their's. Can't blame Oppo for giving early adopters an incentive. It's my first Oppo product, and I'm only using it for movies. I'm a vinyl guy through and through.