How to filter Audiogon results to Canada only.

I am looking for an amp and preamp but want to buy local. Is there a way to filter Audiogon's search results to my province? Apologies if this thread is in the wrong sub forum.
Canuck audio mart is an excellent website with a bunch of fun folks on the forums.
(If a bit regional in their hairy shirted opinions.  :p) (I'll probably get a swat from someone for that) (all in good fun)
I have been checking CAM several times a day for a year or more. Nothing has really come up that interests me except for two Classe mono amps and a Classe pre. I am hopeful that some Krell or Pass Labs stuff will be listed but no luck yet.
If you are close to the border why not have it delivered to a town nearby (FedEx or UPS store) and pick it up yourself. You will be opening yourself up to a lot more potential sellers. I have shipped and bought a few amps from Canada and have not had any issue other than one time delay at customs.