Legacy Focus HDs

Lust received and hooked up my Focus HDs. Upgraded from the 2020s. Wow! I was worried because I loved the 2020s but yes these sound better. Any harshness in the highs are gone. The mid drivers are excellent and brought the mids to more accurate. The bottom end is still there but more accurate and well defined. No more bass issues. Very pleasing to listen to. If anyone has been scared to make the move to the HDs-Dont be. If you like the 2020s you will love the new HDs. Email any questions and I will be glad to try to answer them. Oh-The fit and finish is also better and the hardware such as binding post are a big upgrade as well. Good job Lagacy.
I had the original Focus speakers which I purchased in 1998. This was before they changed them to the Focus 20/20. Legacy Audio took mine in trade for the HD's.
Another 6 months and 6 pair of other speakers in my home, still nothing better!

I heard the HD's, Im not sure they are better then the 20/20's, but there also not any worse as well. Both are great speakers with there own sound. Listen to both, grab a pair. You wont be sorry. At 3k used price, you cant beat them. You cant even come close, thats how good they are.
Well I have about 300 hours on the Focus HD's and they've really come into their own. They really sound great once you burn them in!

Steve,....glad to hear that! These speakers continue to make me very happy with all types of music.

Hifiman, Steve, et al: How many feet apart, how many feet from back wall, and how much toe-in did you find works well for your rooms? I am considering experimenting again with speaker placement and was curious as to your setup...

Speaker placement was my biggest challenge. I will take some measurements and let you know. Until recently I was making minor adjustments everyday. 1/4 inch here and there made a big difference in stereo separation and bass. It seemed like one day the left speaker would be more pronounced so I would adjust and balance them. The next day the other speaker would be more pronounced.

I think I figured out that my probem was of an eletrical nature and not the speakers. At the moment they are perfectly balanced and I am amazed at the big stage presention!

They are in a big room say 17x28 with a cathedral ceiling.