Best speaker/system piano concerts


I enjoy many type of music but am a big fan of piano concerts. I’ve been to Hifi shows before but often find the music that they are playing not to my taste. 

Does anyone have recommendations for a speaker and amplifier that would be great to reproduce big piano plays realistically? I don’t think it’s easy for a system to have the speed and weight that the piano produces.

Would say speakers that are around 20-25k second hand and amps of 10-15k used

Looking forward to your suggestions.

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Magico A3s with Pass 350.8 would give what you are looking for if you got the cash.Enjoy!!
Right now, right here, listening to Cyrus Chestnut playing live an Steinway & Sons piano with First Watt F5 (clones) power amps plus Zu Audio Druid Mk IV loudspeakers. Lovely and lively piano sound.
I would also plump for the ATC 150's as I had a pair of the 100s until a couple of year ago when I had to give up my full rig and move to headphones when my wife fell ill and we had to move and now have people on all sides of us. The ATCs are the most natural sounding dynamic speaker I have heard with the clarity of an electostatic and the untramelled power of a pair of subs. I am quite sure you would be delighted with them. As I don't know what your front end is though if you wanted to upgrade that then you would have saved yourself a fortune through not having to buy an amp. Good luck I wish I was in your shoes.