GutWire Ultimate Grounding Cable

With the recent reviews, and positive reports from a couple of members here, I decided to take the plunge and order one.

Like others I have been intrigued by the positive reviews for grounding blocks from various companies, but the prices are prohibitive. I decided to spend the extra $100 for the Ultimate over the Perfect as both reviews say it offers significant improvement. I am planning on plugging it into an unused RCA input on my Antique Sound Labs autoformer passive pre. I'll post updates after I get it, and have broken it in.

@wig have you compared that setup to the HD ground cables from SR?  It sounds like an ultimate ground + DIY work comes out about the same as an HD Ground from SR from an MSRP perspective.  
@ gltyrian,

I have not personally but read that the silver upgraded wire bought from an on-line source was equal to or even better at a much lower price. The UG that I already had takes performance to a higher level.