Good carts with SME V

Hi there
What could be the carts that match optimally with a SME V tonearm?
My SME is on a Hanss T30 player.

The match should have a resonance around 10 hz - I believe. Or no lower than 8 hz.

Cart suggestions are appreciated, from users of the SME V especially.

I ask also since maybe "official" resonance measures are way off, compared to user experience. Please include the weight and compliance of your cart suggestion, and if possible, your resonance testing frequency. 

Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter
Two ways to check your cart-arm resonance frequency:
1 Add weight of cartridge plus 1 g for screws plus tonearm effective mass, into the vinyl engine resonance frequency calculator.

2 Test with Hifi News or similar test record - side B track 2 on the HFN record. You will hear AND see the cartridge wobble at the resonance frequency.
I would try a Koetsu.
Actually, the best match I ever experienced with the SME V was a Koetsu Black.

Sorry, no weight, no compliance figure, no resonance measurement, just my experience.