Carver Amazing Line Source Speakers

Since I now own the Carver Raven 350 amps, I have become very interested in the Carver Amazing Line Source speakers. But I have not been able to actually hear them.
Can anyone who has heard them comment as to the sound quality?

Thank you
Ozzy, your room dimensions are similar to mine, but I have 10 foot ceiling.  However, Bob designed the ALS to work with 8 foot ceiling so that it may be of benefit to you.  Good to see you have the four corners of the room treated.  I've found placing absorption panels in front of and slightly behind the speakers along the side walls (to absorb some of the sound from the side firing drivers) to be beneficial reducing some of the huge amount of spacial cues these speakers can generate. It focuses and gives more solidity to the images, especially vocals.  Also having absorption panel in the center of your front wall behind the speakers will improve image focus and solidity.  But you'll have to experiment. My room is a combination of aborption and diffusion panels.  Also placing the speakers out into the room as much as you can, really helps the sound stage.  I have mine out about 10 feet into the room and 3 feet away from the side walls.

Obviously, the Ravens are a great match for the ALS.
Yikes, wait.So if business is slow in your area potentially 2 weeks from now you could still be looking for delivery? At what point do they feel the need to do their job?

Let me see....R&L never use, got it thanks.

But it's not just R&L. In my story I don't remember the trucking company, but it was clear they won't send the truck to my house unless there is other stuff in my area to be delivered. This isn't UPS or FedEx where there is always lots of stuff to be delivered in your area every day. I think it sucks, but the dispatcher would be fired if they went back and forth with each delivery everyday.
The lady at the Detroit R&L terminal was EXTREMLY RUDE! I filed a complaint about her attitude. There is no reason for that... ok, enough said about that.

But, I did receive the speakers today! ...Yippe- Kiyaa!

They were not difficult to set up and also not as tall as I thought they would be. So no problem at all with my 92" ceilings.

But I can tell that I need to play around with placement and it’s various settings. I am also surprised how much bass the speakers have by themselves. Almost no need for subwoofers. I’ll need to calibrate my subs better.
Also, I’m assuming that the speakers will need about a month of breakin.


Thanks for the pointers.
I am not sure if I use the 8 or 4ohm tap. Right now I have it on the 8ohm.

What can I expect if I try the 4ohm tap?
