Krell KSA100 vs Threshold 400A vs McCormack DNA 0.5

HiI need a 100W amplifier to drive my Morrison speakers. I Can easily refurbish electronics if needed. Someone offered me a Krell KSA100 another one offered me a Threshold 400A I have to repair and finally a McCormack DNA 0.5 or 1 seems appealing but I dont have any I could  buy.  I hate over detailed sound and I love tube amps mids but do'n want a tube amp. As I couldn't buy a Morrison woofer if I burn it with a faulty amp. I need something bullproof. I never heard and couldn't hear any amps mentionned with my setup.  What would be your preference or do you have any other recommendations ?
Seems like a typical price for KSA 100 (gen 1) is about $800-900 used.  Figure $300-400 for the main power supply caps plus labor, so $1200 is probably a good price.
I really like McCormack....  I have owned two and regret selling them.   The KSA100 was one of the best sounding amps of its time .   I would buy a clean one without hesitation 
If all you need is a 100 watt amp look and read up on an Audio Research 100.2. Great sounding amp that has a cult following for good reason. I owned one and if you want something close to a tube amp it’ll get you in the ballpark a little. Don’t worry about caps as some throw out all older amps need recapped... I’ve owned several older amps and know a lot of people with them and no issues except ML 300 series amps which just had bad caps to begin with; a lot older ML amps running just fine.

My experience I’d take a McCormack over the older Aragon amps. The 4004 was a amp with plenty of control but I always felt that attribute brought too much attention to it. I feel the McCormacks even stock were a little more balanced and played well with many types of music where the Aragon (only experience with the 4004 series I and II) definitely a better Rock amp. I’m not sure I’d throw a 4004 in with SS amps that get close to tubes amps though.

Krell KSA 100 is a Class A amp up to 100 watts that is a nice amp. Audio Video Logic had one for sale on here that the add expired on that I know they still have. I still think I’d take the ARC 100.2 over any amps noted so far... I preferred it with its balance inputs but sounded just fine with the single ended as well. Great amp.
Forget all of the above. Buy a Bedini 150/150 and experience a higher level of audio reality! I have!
As mentioned above, give Steve McCormack a call at SMc Audio.  He will tell you what he can do for a .5 and the cost to you.  Steve is a straight shooter and you may be amazed at what he can do for the .5 for the cost!

The DNA  (distributed node amplifier) design concept has truly stood the test of time.  The quick response to the input signal sets it apart from other fine amps.