"Asking for measurements opens another can of worms."
Of course it doesn't. The can of worms that keep getting opened on this thread are from the trolls making claims that their questions don't get answered. One of the tactics from internet trolls is the speed in which they pile on the Q&A sessions so to look like the one being trolled is not able to give an answer. But with someone like Michael Green the answers are available to anyone wishing to make the effort to do a proper study. In other words you picked the wrong guy to troll. The more the trolls here try to imply Michael hasn't done the more apparent it becomes that those people (the internet trolls) are fakes. The OP remains perfectly stated and relevant. It's showing the people that are "real" and those who are "fake". One telling factor to this is the anger. The ones on here who clearly became angry are trolls. The ones on here who kept demanding answers are trolls.
glupson your not going to be able to go back and rewrite the script here it's now documented. Not only is it documented here there is now a thread on TuneLand that has and will continue to add to the facts.
At this point the best you can hope for is that people don't go to TuneLand and read the truth as well as compare the two threads.