Valve phono stage

I’m considering switching to valves for my phono stage... can any of you guys recommend any with balanced outs for around $3800?

Current phono stage is Whest PS.30RDT.

I’m currently using a Roksan Xerxes 20Plus with Origin Live Encounter arm & upgraded Lyra Skala.

Or would I reap great rewards from an arm upgrade...?


Valve preamplifiers with true balanced outputs are in short supply. Certainly some of the best ones are made by atma-sphere. If you go that route you also have the benefit of true balanced phono inputs, which gives you all the benefits of balanced operation.Atmosphere preamplifiers are also full function preamplifiers, so you get a line stage for free and the bargain. I own an MP1 myself and I have been very happy with it for more than a decade. In fact more than 20 years.
I would not say that Herron’s customer service is “unmatched”. Atmasphere’s customer service is equally as stellar. And there are many users who would agree with this sentiment. With true balance inputs and true balanced outputs. The only other balanced phono stage that uses tubes for gain that I can think of is the Einstein, and then you need to buy two SE modules to achieve the balanced configuration. Aesthetix Io may also have balanced out. But I am not certain that the circuit itself is balanced.
Allnic h-3000 has balanced output. I don’t know if it is a true balance or it is there just for convenience.
@donvito101 - thanks but Upscale do not ship tube components outside the U.S. Although I have contacted a Manley dealer in NY who does...

@lewm - I appreciate your suggestion but I want a dedicated PS.

@dangcaonguyen - the problem is it's nearly $9k