@Elizabeth: We both dropped off the face of the earth a while, but I remember talking to you several years ago and you told me all about your LP collection, your VTL amps etc. You were very helpful with info, concerning re-setting up my vinyl rig. It’s very surprising to see you’ve switched to CD’s, as your main source. I listen to both, as many have said they do. Depends on my mood, how lazy I am feeling and what titles I want to listen to. I love the sound of vinyl when it’s first starting and actually being totally enveloped by the sound, as the the stylus advances to the song and throughout the song. So many LP’s as well as CD’s are hastily made, just to get the product out to bring in that $$, therefore ending up with a recording lacking in quality. Many of you, are much more versed on the quality pressings than I. As far as pops etc, most of this is easily remedied. Back around ‘87, when I first began my CD listening, I was very enthused about the sound and ease of playing a CD. It does require a larger investment for LP’s, but the payoff is worth it. If I had my rathers, I wish “they” would start producing reel to reel prerecorded tapes again. For me, there’s no better sound, but it’s not convenient at all. There’s a lot to be said for the convenience of a CD and being able to “jump” around from one song to another. I do believe this is one of the first civil conversations, on this topic. So many of the topics take on a tone of aggressiveness.