Valve phono stage

I’m considering switching to valves for my phono stage... can any of you guys recommend any with balanced outs for around $3800?

Current phono stage is Whest PS.30RDT.

I’m currently using a Roksan Xerxes 20Plus with Origin Live Encounter arm & upgraded Lyra Skala.

Or would I reap great rewards from an arm upgrade...?


K&K makes a great phono stage which can be custom built for your needs.

A used Aesthetix Rhea is in your price range if you shop and has balanced outputs as well as three inputs.
+1 for the Aesthetix Rhea. Very versatile, fully balanced outputs, many impedance and gain selections and has a built in demagnetizer for MC cartridges.  I absolutely love mine.  

@browndt - it is of consideration...

@jperry - thanks for the suggestion. After a bit of research I have included it in my shortlist!

@richopp - as I mentioned Upscale will not ship valve components outside the US.

It looks like I may be able to get a Rhea for $3300...or less...

Another vote for the Herron.  I bought a pre-loved VTPH-1a MC from Keith.  I loved it so much I sold all my gear and went to a  Herron VTSP-3a and the Herron M-1a monos.  I also had money left over which helped pay the tax man.