Phono Stage question

I have an Audio Research LS - 7  Pre Amp with no phono stage...
Can I connect the phono stage that is on my  Denon 757 Integrated Amp to this Audio Research pre amp ?
Thank you. 
@slaw Phono goes into the Denon and comes "out" via the "Tape Out" RCAs (fixed volume, line-level signal). The Denon signal goes into any line-level input on the ARC and gets passed to the amp.
I’m doing this with my McIntosh preamp’s phono stage into a BAT integrated. Works well...
To dweller:  Thank you for your response. I have one other question :
Phono goes into the Denon....tape output goes into the Audio Research Pre that right ?
Also... the Denon will have no speakers connected to it...will this hurt the denon amp ?
  Thank you.
The Denon will be fine! Unlike tube amps, SS amps don't require connection to a speaker load!
@rocky1313 - Yes, you have the correct sequence. Also, there is a "standard" common to all (most?) electronics called "Line-Level". It is, I believe 3-volts for RCA type outputs. Some pre-amps, integrated amps and even some receivers have something called "Pre-amp out". This is a variable-voltage output and is typically used for sub-woofers so when you turn the volume up or down, the sub-woofer matches the volume of the rest of the music. "Tape out" is a constant 3-volts (I think it is 4-volts for XLR or "balanced" connectors). You just don't want to plug a "line-level" output into a "Phono-In" input. Phono-in does equalization to the signal before it sends it for amplification.