Revel Ultima Studio 2 & Pass Labs XA30.5


does anybody run the above combo together?

Was it enough power within reasonable volumes? 90-95 dB occasionally?

What was the sound quality like?


Nice stuff you have, by the way!
what city for the apartment?

Re: pass Xa30.5
I guess I’ll find out today
studio2 ‘s arrive today


Own Studio 1's. My experience with them and for my personal tastes is they lap up heaps of Power and sound better with plenty of quality Power/Current. Out of my half dozen owned Power Amps and a couple of others tried with the Studios, my preference is for the big Vincent SP-998 Mono Blocks. A conservative 2 x 300 W. 8 ohms. 2 x 600 W. 4 ohms, 50W Class A. The big Vincents grip the Revels and control them effortlessly.
Hi Jeff,
I'm in Australia. Besides the big Vincent Mono's. Vincent SP-T700, Vincent SP-994. Benchmark (Australia) Plexus upgraded, Benchmark A300 upgraded. Krell KSA-250, Rotel RB1090.