I have experience with Groove Lube (Merrill Audio). For me, Although I felt it slightly improved the sonic presentation, I sold what I had left. Why? Because after all of the time/effort I put into cleaning my lps, I felt applying a product that does leave some residue (how much depends upon how liberal one is when applying) made little sense. Also the application method, a piece of foam, just introduces static again.
US cleaning removes record static very well. The ongoing problem is that static builds while a record is playing. Has anyone tried the Arlo Audio Static Eliminator? This would seem to be an effective solution if it actually works without any damage to a cartridge.
I use a 5mm Achromat, yet still have static that builds up during play. I use a Destat III as well.
US cleaning removes record static very well. The ongoing problem is that static builds while a record is playing. Has anyone tried the Arlo Audio Static Eliminator? This would seem to be an effective solution if it actually works without any damage to a cartridge.
I use a 5mm Achromat, yet still have static that builds up during play. I use a Destat III as well.