Static electricity pulled the rubber mat right off the Turntable!

Howdy folks!

Lotta static with the TT. Rush lifted the rubber mat right off the SL Technics 1200 GR table tonight! I live in Miami Florida with a billion percent humidity.  I keep the humidity at 55 to 60 percent while I'm gone and drop it to 45 percent asap. Better grounding? Better wall socket? Pre play were dead of static. Lifting it, it's charged!


Oracle hard Acrylic platter mat, HRS 315 gram Record weight, zerostat or D’stat.

Slaw if you try the Arlo; let us know what you think. I Do Not have a static problem, Those who do, would like to know; Someone has to be the first.
I meant to add, I own the latest Audioquest brush and do not find I’m as enthusiastic about it as MF.

Another option, would be for DIYers or owners of tts that have sufficient clearance is to affix a brush similar to the AQ or a carbon fiber brush underneath your platter ( the ability to machine it in, recess it, is a plus), with a drain wire so static is constantly being drained away. This way, there is no battery involved.
The Groove Glide has taken care of the problem temporarily but I'm looking into fixing the problem with a different mat, better grounding, etc..

If I may, I’ve noticed several of your posts here that could involve a lot of system changes. Expensive system changes. I’d recommend slowing down an then address room acoustics before going forward. It can be fun, but it will be beneficial in whatever direction you choose later.

Happy Listening!