- Q: Does anyone know of a good HDMI splitter
Don’t you mean an HDMI switcher here? Avoid anything from monoprice, HDMI switchers and splitters are complete junk. Gefen is probably one of the most reliable and stable HDMI switchers, such as the Gefen EXT-UHD600-41 for about $300 or less. It does have an IR remote, but I don’t know enough about Harmony to know if it has a “learning sensor”.
You can try connecting Oppo directly to Levinson/Krell amps and use digital volume control in Oppo. You can run this way for as long as you want (assuming you were going to get HDMI switcher as above). A HT processor will have different DACs and audio stages and could sound a little better.
Concerning Marantz 8xxx series. Most of the consumer level stuff today (Marantz, Denon, etc.) will have all those extra bells and whistles. Only the very high end (Krell, Bryston, Classe) do not really care about this. So, the bells and whistles are extra and it’s fine if you don’t use them. That being said, the Marantz 8xxx platform (such as 8802a) is an excellent platform with very large power supply and excellent level components.
“Source Direct” just means that it bypasses any processing (which can include speaker crossover and speaker level adjustments). It still will go through the analog stages of the HT processor. If it’s a digital stream, it will be sent to the DACS and then the audio output stage. Of course it can color the sound, just like any other preamp out there. Nothing is truly transparent except for passive preamps (which is just a potentiometer or resistor ladder attenuator), but then you can have other problems such as impedance load and driving amplifier input stage.
Do I even need a pre-amp/processor? The answer is not really.
Yes, you can use XLR left/right to levinson for left and right speakers. Then use the 7.1 RCA outputs for center/surrounds/sub. The benefit of having an HT processor here is that you can potentially have XLR outputs for all channels. Also, sometimes the audio stage in the HT Processor will be better than Oppo. The Marantz 8802/8803/8805 may actually sound better because of their discrete analog output stages and massive power supply. Krell Foundation may also have much better sound because of it's power supply (Krell does not use a switching power supply at all in its processor and has excellent power supply and audio stages). The downside to Krell, obviously, is the user-interface and the Harmony remote problems you mentioned. Though, you will probably have to make a decision on what is more important - sound quality or remote control convenience.