Favorite Dylan?

I'm loving Slow Train Coming on vinyl.  It's always been one of my favorites.  Mark Knopfler's guitar work is a treat, and the songs are great.  I know for some it was a turn off because of the born again phase, but if you can put that aside you cannot deny the brilliance of this record.

Runner up is Time Out Of Mind.  Magical....

My absolute favorite is probably Blood on the Tracks. But my second favorite is all of them, except for maybe some of the 80's ones I haven't spent much time with. Including Slow Train Coming (70's). I like the mid to late 60's stuff maybe best, early 60's stuff second best, then 70's, then 90's. There is so much material, and very little of it I don't like, and have heard probably 90% of it.
Does anyone else just love New Morning?
Ever since "The Man In Me" was featured in The Big Lebowski I fell in love with this record.
It has a certain mood to it that is irresistible.
I will check out 'New Morning'.  In the meantime, several indicators point to "Blood on the Tracks" material for the next Bootleg (Vol. 14) release.It is going to be interesting and a fun ride w/ the BD camp.
Happy Listening!
Favorite is hard to say, probably Blood on the Tracks and Desire. But the one I love that gets no attention is Street Legal. Señor, Changing of the Guards and especially Where are you Tonight? 
The newest information regarding Bootleg Vol. 14 is slated to reveal in September. Early sources predict it will link w/ Blood on the Tracks (BOTT).
Happy Listening!