Ayre preamp no output

Any answers on why my Ayre preamp quit giving any output signal to my amp after power company switched my meter. This would have turned off and back on my power to house. I can hook my OPPO BDP 105d direct to amp and everything plays fine. When hooking OPPO to preamp and preamp to amp nothing. All the lights and volume goes up and down on the preamp, but zero signal being sent to the amp. 
I agree with Audioconnection. And would add while it is unplugged press every button, power switch, rotate volume, input selection etc., this will drain any capacitance that may be stored and causing a processor brain fart in the unit.
Thanks for the ideas. I tried and all i get now is sputtering/ crackling type sound not very loud thru each input all off Oppo input only. Funny I just talked to Ayre about the MP upgrade now it sure needs to go in. 
Talked to Ayre and they said something must have fried, since im sending in for upgrade may be very minimal extra charge for parts to fix. 
Cant wait for the 2 upgrades with Maximum Performance upgrade. They say it makes a huge difference 
I guess it is like shutting the stable door AFTER the horse has bolted but maybe you should have had everything powered down and unplugged BEFORE the electric utility company went to work on your supply......