Hi mattnshilp, Thankyou for your post on my behalf, I apologize to all here by not getting back here sooner, I have been building a second system, I put a lot of my building experience into this, no room for mistakes and sale off and loose money! here is where I'm at, magico q3 speaker's which I really don't like, but do not hate them to sale them, so, I put my self up to the challenge to make these speaker's sing like no other q3 speaker's, so I got the New Luxman L-509X integrated amplifier, Tara Lab's muse speaker cable's and interconnect's, Tara Lab's cobalt power cord, I moved the furutech gtx-Rhodium duplex receptacle's to this system, I have the NCF furutech version receptacle's on the main system. So I am now pulling the trigger on the ps audio direct stream memory dac and matching transport, the cool thing here is the speaker's are 4 ohms, without the new digital, this sounds phenomenal, I have close to 200 hrs burn in, and the cable's are still getting better, great match for magico!, I believe this is a fix for the speaker's, @ aolmrd1241, Currious, may I ask what you are usein for the digital HDMI cable?