Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
ajourney sez:

  • I myself have not yet the Omega Matt but have the Total Contact & all I can say is OMG! This treatment has changed my entire system! It taken it to a hole new level, the noise floor is dead quiet, transparency is like I’ve never experienced before! Individual voices and instruments show an extraordinary clarity greater resolving and separation than I’ve ever had! This is no snake oil, this is the real deal and there is no downside to the product! My only wish is that I had the spare change to buy three or four of the Perfect Path Omega Matt’s

And there’s another rave review from a "private" reviewer. To the naysayers ... how much money did the above poster get to make his claim? Is he a snake-oil salesman? A shill? A con man? Did he get the product for free? Surly, there is something nefarious going on here, right????

ajourney ...

Thanks for the nice words. Tim deserves every bit of the success he’s having with his products. As you can clearly see from your experience, there was no hyping going on. Glad you’re enjoying the TC. The Omega E Mat not only works well with the TC product, but combined together, they will bring an audio system to the point of suspending disbelief.

PS: You only "think" the noise floor is "dead quiet." Wait until you get the Omega E Mats. :-)

Take care ...


There's a delicate balance when bloggers and writers do their reviews.  It's a unique industry and there are definitely relationships to be managed.  They generally don't like "shootout" type reviews..  Also, some counter thoughts to consider:

- There's some reading in between the lines to really figure out what is being said and more so, not said. If you keep telling me about a girl being really nice, maybe she's not so hot in the looks department...

- Certain topics like talking about value can also give you relative comparisons.  I may like something a lot at a certain price point, but it might not have the performance I'm looking for generally.  

- And there are times where they listen to a product and decline to review it.  Especially if you hear them talk about a product in passing without a formal review.  

"Waiting for the mats to break in", laughable at best.  $600.00 per mat.  If you guys have money to throw away, please send it to me.
Post removed 

I would never in my life pay 600.00 for a mat to put under a piece of gear. I wouldn’t even consider it. What I stated is my opinion which is just as good as yours. I haven’t heard or seen the mat and never will but that’s my opinion, like it or not. Trust me, I have been "ripped off" many times on tweaks that don’t do as advertised..

You also have no right to lambast me for my statement, especially since I have never done it to you. This is a community forum and everyone is entitled to his or her opinion weather you or anyone else agrees with it or not.