Good carts with SME V

Hi there
What could be the carts that match optimally with a SME V tonearm?
My SME is on a Hanss T30 player.

The match should have a resonance around 10 hz - I believe. Or no lower than 8 hz.

Cart suggestions are appreciated, from users of the SME V especially.

I ask also since maybe "official" resonance measures are way off, compared to user experience. Please include the weight and compliance of your cart suggestion, and if possible, your resonance testing frequency. 

Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter
tzh21y - Benz Gullwing - could be interesting, thanks. 0.35 output, 12.2 g, compliance 15. Wish I had one, to try.

Snackeyp, markmendenhall - Kiseki - yes, this is an interesting alternative. I read a very good review of the purple heart. Pricing is not up in the sky. Output is a healthy (for me) 0.48, weight only 7 g, so even if  the given compliance of 16 is Japanese (at 100Hz), it may work.
I had good luck with the SME5 and the Micro Benz cartridges, but that was a while ago. The Micro Benz was a trooper though- the cantilever suspension held up for over 10 years. 
I wish I had the finance to try all the good suggestions offered - Koetsu, Kiseky, vdH, Benz - it would have been useful for all. For now, I fall back on my Lyra Titan i, still doing a fair job, and I must consider a new cart carefully, for financial reasons.
The important thing to keep in mind is that the ability of the tone arm to properly track the cartridge is far more important than what cartridge you actually get. In this regard an inexpensive cartridge will totally keep up with one that might cost 10 or 50x more if the tracking is right (and if any loading requirements that the cartridge or preamp may have are satisfied).

Basically, if its all correct, it will sound like music :)