Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Someone did an extensive review on 1/29/2005.

However, noting the music that the reviewer liked, I find the review highly suspect.  

"favorites that Raintinge have a huge impact on and make them listenable to me (made my long day special)...

1. Hayley Westenra, "Pure"... - this is a very beautiful voice. The voice and hipnotic nasal resonance just instantly brightens my day...even at some hateful hours like 4 in the morning. You haven't lived until you experience this voice when it is accurate.

2. a collection of Sarah Brightman... - quite the same as Ms. Westenra and much more trained to sing more different notes and musical style.

3. Norah Jones, SACD... -with all the hype about extremely high resolution for a more accurate sound - it's just the same problem as all the CDs and other "optical" disks and just the same improvements when using the color system.

4. Diane Krall, SACD... -unusually sexy must be her amazing control of her nasal resonance...would she have a sexy voice if she snorts through her nasal like a pig? I told you before nasal resonance dominates female voice.

5. a collection of Jennifer Warnes... - she has the most delicate feminine nasal resonance. If she sounds like a man talking, you have a bad stereo. My favorite to torture test stereo for understanding accuracy.

5. the Innocence Mission, "befriended"... -(I bought 2 LPs!) if you 're into shy childhood story and geeky poetry like Morrissey and Simon & Garfunkle, this is the best with a beautiful voice that is as complex to play as Jennifer Warnes.

6 a collection of the Corrs, DVD... -It's almost like super models have a talent to sing. It is heart-warming when the color system made each sister look so pretty and similar in their sisterly kind of way (tough choice if I have to chose one of them).

7. Soda Club, "anthem alert", CD and DVD... - don't look at this DVD if you don't normally look at super models. Their voices are beautiful in their own way. It's what I usually hear everyday talking to girls.

8. Bond, DVD... - visually and sonically when using the color system, it is so good it hurts.

No RainTinge for me unless someone reviews it using better recordings/performances.

It's interesting how feedback falls into two groups:

1. Tries it and likes it

2. Violently opposed to it, has to insult anyone who says they can notice a difference, does not try it.

It would be good to have the designers view on what led him to the design of the mat and what he thinks it is doing. I presume it’s similar to other products by Bybee, SR and Akiko which work by absorbing RFI and EMF. I wonder how these mats can be selective and not also absorb some of the musical details? My experience with Bybee is hit and miss, it seems not to be good in some places and better in others. Akiko make some just for mains and consumer units, which look interesting and I suspect is the right area for these “absorption” products.

You said it toetapaudio.  Which is why I label number 2 posters as trolls, miscreants and people I would not want to associate with. 

I would like to know more about the Omega E mat too.  I surmise that it has a purely electrical function, working on RFI, EMF using magnetic properties.  But that's about all I can tell.   If it really works wonders for music, I'm a buyer.  For $600 each, I hope that it surpasses the SR blue fuse and is as sound enhancing as Stillpoints, Hallographs and SR HFT system as tweaks.

@toetapaudio Who did I insult? I was particular to offer it "In my humble opinion" and that we are all entitled to an opinion. If anything, your post is divisive by placing people into one nice camp and the other a vehemently opposed camp, which they are not necessarily. Maybe you can explain what I cannot see?

I, and others are entitled to ask questions of a product which has no information available, and I cannot find anything on the web about. If "posters (or is that postees?)" are repeatedly claiming that the latest tweak is the best, and the resultant effect on that particular system is better than the previous best, then the question becomes "so what is the net effect of all these advertised tweaks?". A black sound floor that was blacker than the previous black? In addition, these "tweaks" are not inexpensive, at least to my meagre budget.

@fleschler You are the one being insulting. Both you and @toetapaudio are using insulting, divisive language.