@toetapaudio Who did I insult? I was particular to offer it "In my humble opinion" and that we are all entitled to an opinion. If anything, your post is divisive by placing people into one nice camp and the other a vehemently opposed camp, which they are not necessarily. Maybe you can explain what I cannot see?
I, and others are entitled to ask questions of a product which has no information available, and I cannot find anything on the web about. If "posters (or is that postees?)" are repeatedly claiming that the latest tweak is the best, and the resultant effect on that particular system is better than the previous best, then the question becomes "so what is the net effect of all these advertised tweaks?". A black sound floor that was blacker than the previous black? In addition, these "tweaks" are not inexpensive, at least to my meagre budget.