Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Pop quiz:

What the heck is in the mat? (Multiple Choice)

1. Crushed Tourmaline and quartz crystals
2. Quantum dots
3. Alternating layers of mu metal and Graphene
4. Buckeyballs
5. Higgs boson particles (God particles)
6. PWB Morphic Message Foils
7. Amber with fossilized prehistoric insects
8. Smart metal
9. Depleted uranium

Amg56 ...

Thanks for your response, I appreciate it. 

I don't believe that I have denigrated you in any way, and I won't. Ever.

As far as how I can tell how various tweaks work? I have two of the most sensitive meters on the planet ... the human ear. Both you and I can detect minute changes even in nature. Have you ever hunted small game? You can hear the tiniest, faintest,  little rustle of brush. We as humans are tuned into  that. Same with our audio systems.

The improvements afforded by both TC and the Omega E Mats are so significant that its easy to hear the difference. No problem at all. So, your suggestion of starting out with a virgin system really doesn't make sense. Its totally not necessary.  

My comments on emotion vs facts is because you have no facts on this particular product, but you take an emotional stance against it. Why not just believe what others who've tried these products have to say? 

As far as the rest of your questions regarding what goes into the manufacturing of the Omega E Mats, I haven't a clue ... so I'll let Tim Mrock step in here to see what he wants to reveal, if anything.

By the way, Steve Fleischer just left with his six mats. I'll wait for his comments about what he heard here at my home.

Take care ... 

Frank balanced power.

Omega Mat is like having a conditioner that takes up no rack space requires no AC power and no guici power cord. 
It is portable so you can put it wherever you think it may work the best. You can take it to a friends house to demo..there is no muss no fuss..nothing to tear down and hook back up. Heck you dont even need to put it on Audiopoints to allow it to perform its best..I will try it under a cello decked out with my reactive devices. Tom