Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

Anything I say is just conjecture..other than it is not a totally rigid surface and is somewhat compliant.

Tim has shared some ideas and insights with me before but none I am aware of that relate to the Omega Mat. He is tight with all of that.

As with any forward motion such as learning curve may fire another great idea, related but not of the same mixture or material. Whatever is going on with this Mat the result is real. Tom
I am intrigued enough to await the smaller versions.
I was about to pull the trigger on a Synchro mesh reclocker at$700. However that will have an effect on just 1 item, my vault2 feeding into the Lyngdorf DAC.
$700 is going to net me 11 of the smaller versions that I can scatter liberally on various components in different proportions to ascertain their effectiveness.
I am hanging on for now

Thanks for the answer.

General Mat update:

Though one does not need loud volume levels to hear the effects of the Mat, I was shocked by how much louder I could turn it up with the mats in place. The noise reduction is so effective that I can turn up the volume to more realistic levels without it sounding “loud”. I have never liked to listen to my music too loud but without the annoying electronic noise, that I did not realize was there, the music is sounding more life like. 

The simplicity of use with this product is a huge bonus. Reminds me of Stillpoints. This is is why I am having so much fun with this Mat.

One complaint. Lack of sleep!


Yes I know..Thank you...I have one on my fridge now..It runs so much better I can hardly keep up. Tom