Focal Aria 926/936

I know the comparison of these two speakers has been brought up here before, but most of the conversation seems to be around the bass response. Despite having slightly lower frequency response, does anyone have any experience comparing the two in other areas of the frequency spectrum? My dealer mentioned that the mid-range driver is crossed over both higher and lower delivering better sound.

I'm leaning toward the 926 since my listening room is only 15' x 15'. Also, the height of the 936 puts the tweeter quite a bit above my ears.
Agree - Do not care if a tweeter is even or  a foot above my ears . If imaging from a speaker is higher than my sitting position it sounds natural to me. I am sitting and the performer is standing or on a raised stage is what I mentally perceive.
Couldn’t agree more about tweeter level not being an issue.  Especially with how good the Aria performance is off axis.  

The 926 is a steal for the price, but the 936 is really considerably better for an insignificant amount of money.  

If you can get the dealer to do anything 12-15% off on Focal, the difference in price  will be even less.  Focal is a low margin brand, so expect 12-15% off absolute max.

Great choice of speaker.  I own a pair in one of my rooms, and have turned two good friends onto them.  They are in love.
If memory serves, the one negative of the 936 is the impedance through the bass. It needs a beefier amp than average.

About listening angle... I agree that some speakers seem to sound closer to the midrange/mid-woofer level than the tweeter, even speakers I have designed specifically for listening on tweeter axis. This is a phenomenon other speaker designers have commented on, which may speak to an incomplete connection between measurements and hearing preferences.

So, I think a lot of speakers are designed for listening on tweeter level, but we definitely may not perceive it as such. Some of the biggest B&W speakers are in this category based on measurements and listener feedback.

The Tekton Enzo is an example of a speaker that can really needs to be at or below the tweeter level. 

I do not agree that all speakers should have a wide dispersion and sweet spot. There are good arguments for the opposite. Buy what you like though!
Duh, I just read my original post. I meant to say the mid range driver in the 936 is crossed over higher and lower, so is a better performer overall. Thanks all for your responses!