Yes they do.  I’m not here to advocate for any particular brand but I’ve heard a lot and they do matter. High Fidelity reveal cables, Kubala Sosna Elation and Clarity Cable Natural. I’m having a listening session where all of them is doing a great job. I’ve had cables that were cheaper in my system but a nicely priced cable that matches your system is a must.  I’m not here to argue what I’m not hearing because I have a pretty good ear.  I’m enjoying these three brands today and each is presenting the music differently but very nicely. Those who say cables don’t matter. Get your ears checked.  I have a system that’s worth about 30 to 35k retail.  Now all of these brands are above 1k and up but they really are performing! What are your thoughts. 
Ok teo,

Your previous post about Einstein and death threats was completely irrelevant. (And you’ll find a similar post to the one you made in virtually every pseudo-science forum. "They called X scientist crazy too, you know! Critiques of X claim are just being dogmatic!" If you think any of it amounted to a relevant critique of anything I’ve written here, you just haven’t been reading at all carefully).

You have been doing your best to cast aspersions on folks like myself for voicing some caution in the face of the claims made by the high end cable industry, retailers and audiophiles.

Note, btw, the author of the very paper you cited also includes similar skepticism in his conclusion:

AUTHOR OF PAPER: "The audio cable market certainly owes something to the appeal of audio jewellery but there is also, with little doubt, a significant element of sell-delusion on the part of consumers and probably also reviewers, retailers and manufacturers."

Of course you don’t quote that part ;-)

But at least in posting links to that paper, you are moving toward some specificity. But not quite yet.

The above post addresses your desires directly.

No it doesn’t. You are still posting stuff without making the direct connections - and hence actual argument - that I asked for.

Remember what I’d asked:

prof: Can you point to the relevance of anything teo just wrote to anything I’ve written. Anything that shows I’ve claimed something untrue, or unreasonable, for instance? did not in fact show that what you previously wrote - in your "Eisntien" post - was a relevant critique of what I’ve written.

But as you’ve ignored that, now you’ve just posted a link to a single paper. So, please explain how that paper undermines the position I’ve taken here, or shows I’ve been unreasonable or claimed untruths. Can you do this...WITHOUT cherry-picking something I wrote while ignoring the context I’ve given my position in this thread?

That’s what I’m waiting for: for you to actually, specifically justify your critiques.


Excerpt from the Waldrep blog on demos of cables at audio shows,

“I deliberately avoided naming the salesperson who demonstrated the “benefits” of expensive — very expensive — power cords and the name of his company out of respect for the hosts. His demo produced audible/measurable increases in the amplitude of identical music selections. A result that is impossible according to the laws of physics. Electrical engineers and those with even a casual knowledge of how electrical circuits and power supplies work know that a heavy twisted cable worth thousands of dollars cannot — and should not — increase the plus and minus voltages needed by the various circuits in the equipment in question.”

>>>>I gave up reading immediately after the phrases, “a result that is impossible according to the laws of physics,” electrical engineers and those with casual knowledge...” not to mention, “I deliberately avoided naming the salesperson and the name of his company out of respect...” are indicative of some pseudo skeptic somewhere with an axe to grind. Darn the torpedoes, full speed ahead! 
I don’t recall anyone anywhere ever claiming cables do not (rpt not) provide/produce/contain/measure some distortion and noise. Hel-loo! Apparent even AES is aware of the power of the Strawman argument. 🙄
Some cables can make a monster difference. Just ask Noel Lee.

Sorry, difficult to resist, but he started it.
When I do live sound stuff it’s all balanced...signal to the amps, subs, inputs from EQ and compressors, every microphone of course...all of it. The only unbalanced thing is, of course, my normal mental state, and whatever I’m using for background music using a short stereo cable...generally something streaming from an old iPhone that isn’t used as a phone (otherwise calls would come through the PA system...generally not good.)