Legacy Focus SE or Magico A3

I am looking to upgrade my current speakers, and am looking at the Legacy Focus SE and the Magico A3 speakers, my amp is an Anthem P2 running through an Anthem MRX 520, my Phono stage is a VPI Prime going to a Parasound JC3+,  I also play CD's through a  Rotel RCD-1572, and I do not stream music. Would either of these speakers be a good match for my current set up or do any of you have any better suggestions for speakers at $10,000.00 or less. My room size is 20' X 32' X 8' tall ceilings.
@alucard19 Good advice from fellow Audiogon members.

It appears your heart is set on changing your speakers...despite this, I encourage you to keep an open mind regarding the recommendations from members to consider replacing your components prior to your current speakers.

A 10K investment in amplification or an integrated with DAC will pay off now and in the future if you choose to upgrade speakers then.

If you move to higher quality speakers your current setup (even with minor change-ups) will likely be revealed to an even greater degree (NOT necessarily for the better).

That 10K investment paired to your current speakers will pay off much more significantly in terms of musical quality and enjoyment.

All the best, whichever way you choose to go.
@bigkidz I agree with your first comment, and somewhat with your second. However to be fair, the OP did say in an earlier post -“..but as for my amp the Anthem P2 that is staying the MRX is in the process of being replaced with a dedicated preamp“.
@david_ten Thanks for your generous words, though I have to respectfully disagree with your suggestion to spend the budget on amplification in lieu of speakers for a couple of reasons. Firstly as I eluded to in my previous post, the OP has plans to add a dedicated preamp in the near future. And secondly, I agree with Paul Mcgowan’s approach to system building, and that is to “Build around your speakers”

I subscribe to the view that since loudspeakers have the greatest influence on the sound of your system imho, you should generally spend more on speakers than your amplification, them look for an amp/amps which has good synergy with your speakers, followed by front end, cables etc over time. it’s all about synergy!

Now here’s the thing; the OP expressed that he is unhappy with his current Paradigm speakers, noting “I am trying to get better clarity on the vocals and more separation on the individual instruments”. Could you get that through better amplification and/or a different CD player? Maybe. But I would suggest starting with the speakers, then the OP can evaluate how his upgraded amp setup sounds before considering any other changes.

Why do you constantly attack the Audio Doctor?   Since you have never been to their establishment, your rude and nasty comments are speculation at best.  It gets tiring with you bashing almost every post they make.  Please learn to play nice or simply go away.