@infection regarding the shootout with the aesthetix, zesto and Herron speakers were tannoy yorkminsters amps were Sophia 845-05 preamp was vacuum state.
Aesthitix was darker without as much detail
zesto was decent but a back row presentation
herron was just good music with proper staging
cabling was a mix of xlo cardas and Neotec
aesthetix had a Jim mcshane premuim tube set which is supposed to be the best you can do with those.
I would rate them
Herron 9.5
zesto 8.5
aesthetix 7
Aesthitix was darker without as much detail
zesto was decent but a back row presentation
herron was just good music with proper staging
cabling was a mix of xlo cardas and Neotec
aesthetix had a Jim mcshane premuim tube set which is supposed to be the best you can do with those.
I would rate them
Herron 9.5
zesto 8.5
aesthetix 7