Do IC and Power Cables Really Make a Difference?

If you had asked me a few months ago I would have said either "very little" or "not really" not from experience but from a generally cynical attitude regarding all the hype that often infects this hobby. However, I have come to a new opinion based upon my recent experiences with cable substitution that imparted such positive benefits that I had to share.

My system includes:

VPI Scout/JMW9/Dyna 20XH
Rotel RCD-971
Audio Research SP16
Audio Research 100.2
Harbeth Compact 7ES

I've had the system wired for several years as follows:

VPI Cable from the Scout to the SP16
Wireworld Eclipse from the SP16 to the 100.2
Wireworld Equinox III from the Rotel to the SP16
Naim NACA5 from the 100.2 to the Harbeth's
Stock Powercords for the SP16 and 100.2

And achieved very good results. However, after reading numerous posts extolling the virtues of Audience cables I decided to outfit the whole rig (except the VPI cable which I had custom made) with Audience wire. I began by replacing the IC's between amp and pre (Au24) and CD and pre (Conductor) and the speaker wires (Au24). I fired everything up and heard VERY slight differences in the sound--some of which I figured were in my head! As I listened further I began to feel that the new cables were slightly more musical, coherent and tonally correct than the previous set up. This was not a huge difference, rather very subtle. I doubt the casual listener would have heard it and I'm not even sure that I would have been able to tell the difference with a blind test. I attribute the small degree of change to the fact that the Wireworld cables were very good to begin with and that the Naim wire was no real slouch despite their inexpensive price tag. After about a month I took the next step of replacing the stock power cords with Audience Powercords. Holy Crap!! The system was markedly improved. The music emerges from a dead silent (blackness). Dynamics and speed are enhanced. Pace and timing are improved. Transparancy increased. This was not a minor change but rather a mindblowing one--akin to upgrading from an inexpensive integrated amp to full blown high end separates. And remember--I came into this very skeptical and fearful that I would be wasting my money. Bottom line: the Audience products and very good indeed and seem designed to work synergistically (in other words I don't think I enjoyed the full benefits of the IC's until I also put the powercords into the system). The powercords in particular were transformative. I don't know why or how they improve the sound but if you are on the fence about making the investment in aftermarket cords, are skeptical of their value or are looking for another excuse to upgrade your system (like you really need another excuse!) I cannot recommend these cables more highly. My system, which sounded good before, has reached another level altogether. I am particularly pleased with the additional openness, naturalness and dynamics that the cables provide. I just wish I had seen the light earlier.
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The fact that I responded to a 12 year old thread albeit my critical manner towards me understanding the reasoning of having to spend that much on power cables is a laugh by itself. In 2006 I was 15, time flies.

@elizabeth Let's put the $9000 you've spent aside, I've done a bit of research these last couple hours and come to the conclusion that the power cables for the source do matter up to a certain degree as in changing the apparent sound, or providing a cleaner signal throughout so despite claims of people spending $1000 or more on power cables . At least that is my consensus up to a certain price bracket. It is still a mixed bag as always to discern between what will really make a difference when almost everybody has a different system and let alone I will never hear their system.

Again I'm all about with respect to modesty, people must remember their are two sides to the hobby and the business side will always prevail to persuading people to sell premium priced equipment and of course the law of diminishing returns certainly prevails... I wish to gain fidelity up to a certain extent, but I am never wanting to seek for the perfect sound as I think it would not really satisfy me in the end nor workout for the majority of music I listen to anyway.

You mentioned Pangea, never heard of it as I'm new to this scene but I've got to admit the Amazon reviews of the skeptics seem pretty honest to me, so I may consider that one for a simple upgrade for my Denafrips Ares DAC power supply and call that case closed.

I'm currently using this one: E55943LL41230 I-SHENG 10A 125V 27.00118.011-R Power Cable, IS-14 

A simple ABX test may turn out to show the Pangea is worthy.

So thanks for letting us know about that one.  

@geoffkait the Hurricanes you bought is purely a mirage to make one think it really will make a significantly more enjoyable listening experience because, I guarantee if someone blinded you and told you were listening to the hurricane, meanwhile it could have been a Shunyata or Pangea, you would agree with confirmation bias what you were listening to "sounded better".

From the looks of it what I’ve read, is unfortunately when someone takes the plunge to buy these hyped up products their subconscious would force them into thinking they really do sound a lot better, only to sound different. The lack of comparisons or lack of objectivity with blind tests shows otherwise across the forums. And then they tout others on the forums to self-consciously reassure themselves that their money was spent well.

Have a laugh at this, it pretty sums up the marketing hype of cables in general: