spent an additional $9000 on just interconnects
Far be it from me to say you shouldn't spend money on what makes you happy.
But when I read such things I'm very glad high end cables are not part of my audio obsession. I look at $9,000 spent on interconnects and just think of all the other things I could buy instead. It's expensive enough just getting the speakers I like!
People here often ask "why bother asking skeptical questions about whether high end cables are worth the money? If you like them, just buy them; it's your money!"
That's obviously true on one level. I wouldn't want anyone dictating what I spend my money on.
But being informed that some claims are sketchy, or at least controversial, and why, is a way of being a more informed consumer.
And, personally, if I was considering whether my 9 grand was well spent, and it may be the case that my 9 grand was not going to in fact get any better performance over a vastly less expensive set of cables, then that's something I'd really want to know, so I can save that money and put it to use elsewhere.
I would think most people actually feel the same way. It's just that most people in this cables forum of course feel that the cables they are buying are making that sonic difference, and that it's worth it to them. But if they had good evidence the cables didn't make the sonic difference they believed, I'd think most people here would save their money.
Personally I was helped out long ago by listening to both sides of the cable debates, and it helped push me to further test my own impressions. I almost bought a $2,500 AC cable, sure that it had transformed the sound of my system. But then I went on to test it blinded against a good quality $15 AC cable and could detect no reliable difference at all. I was glad to save that money!
That's why I think the discussion as to whether high end cable manufacturers claims are valid is always a worthwhile discussion. Of course some will always land on the side of their subjective impressions, but others, upon being informed by such debates may decide the evidence isn't strong enough to put their money into high end cabling and be happy with the savings.