Ups and downs of audio

Have you ever “upgraded” your system with a highly touted component, only to realize after a while that the sound is not as good as it was previously.  This has happened to me several times during the years.  After I finally figure out the “truth” I correct the problem by compensating for the imbalance with a new component.
Eventually I’ll get a brainstorm again to try something new, and the process starts all over again.
Right now, I’m in the phase of having corrected the problem created by new interconnects with changing the brand of tubes in a section of my preamp. I’m deliriously happy. Everything sounds great.
But I’m  beginning to wonder if it sounds better now than it did before the upgrade.
^^^ Nervosa Audiophilia. 

Just relax and enjoy the music. Its all about the music and not the equipment. 

 No. I would never buy a component without hearing it in my system first. There is no way to know if the component will have synergy without hearing it. This is why dealers are so useful. I have bought most of my equipment used from dealers I can borrow a piece for the weekend and if I do decide to buy it, they will stand behind it if there is a problem.

Sound is like taste inasmuch as we have no memory for it. I can see both sides of the issue and part of the fun of this hobby IS trying a new component sound-unheard and seeing what happens.
RV, as I recall the interconnect you replaced was an older "networked" cable, which was explicitly stated by the manufacturer to have been designed to alter the signal. So in my opinion replacing it with a non-networked cable, as you did, can only be a step in the direction of greater accuracy. Which I would consider to be a good thing. And if that revealed a need to change something else in the system, such as the preamp tubes you indicated you changed with good results, that would be another step in the right direction.

Best regards,

-- Al