I've got the Summertime Blues. Power conditioner necessary?

With the AC and dehumidifiers running non stop, at times my modest system sounds like Schitt (I wish).
Any recommendations for power conditioners or other help that won't break the bank?

No, I know home system is fine, I have two isolated 20a runs for the system. By low, I am taking about only 114-116vac. I have understood that the re-generators are capable of of making up short term voltage drops to keep input vac stable 
When I say I think I have a dedicated line, I asked an electrician who was working on another project for the house to install a dedicated line.  The guy is a little rough around the edges and did it sort of reluctantly, so I’m not that confident in his work.  I have another electrician lined up and after the suggestions here and elsewhere, the dedicated lines will be my first approach.  Thanks
btw, I prefer the Blue Cheer version as well.
udog -- I have my 3 stand-alone mid-fi systems connected through Furman PL-PLUS DMC Power Conditioners.  The unit provides a reasonable degree of power conditioning and circuit protection at a reasonable cost.  Living in quickly growing area of South Carolina, I encounter a double-whammy of thunder and lightning storms and significant fluctuations in voltage.  Due to the massive residential, industrial, and infrastructural development in the area, I have voltage fluctuations from 113 to 125.  The good news is that my average is 121v and I can monitor near brown-out and surge levels.  Consumer grade surge "protectors" used in the past resulted in severely damaged audio equipment, attributable to both a direct lightning hit to my home and the concussion of thunderclaps.  I now have an all-home power protection system in conjunction with the Furmans.  And, for good measure, I shut down and unplug the units when the forecast calls for severe weather.  NOTE: I have acquired the units at 15-20% off list price and free shipping at Musicians Friend, which also has an excellent hands-on article on the unit written by Darius Van Rheul.       
A friend in an apartment building had a similar problem. I gave him a large Constant Voltage Transformer that I had purchased as surplus for $60. It solved his brownout problems cheaply.

At my own home, I had the electric company increase my home service from 100 amp to 200 amp, then had new dedicated power lines run from the service box just for my system.
Good Luck