Kinki Studio EX-M1 200wpc Integrated Amplifier

Winner of the ’Blue Moon Award’ from 6Moons / Srajan Ebaen

Here is the ’summary’ last page from 6Moons:

And the first page for those interested in the full review:

215W (8 Ohms)  Inputs: 3 RCA  1 XLR  

Offered via Vinshine Audio in Singapore.

Currently SGD 2898 which equals ~ USD 2135.
@mrdon It’s 6moons’ version for recognizing product excellence, from their perspective / in their opinion. No different than other audio review sites which use other terms/expressions for the same.

does the [Award] really have merit...

For you to decide!!!

"The 6moons Blue Moon Award is bestowed only on components or music releases of rare excellence. The following audio components were deemed outstanding for the specific reasons cited."

Additional information here:
@david_ten, thank you for your straight forward and concise definition regarding the Blue Moon Award.. I have very little experience within the audiophile community and greatly appreciate the helping hand. I now assume the Blue Moon Award is an appropriate and distinguished award for quality products that excel in areas others don't. 
"I will now chew on this knowledge" and await the results of the "OCD HI FI Guy" utube review of the EX M1.. It will then be decision time..    
I have the Kinki Studio Telos 400 clone and it is awesome. I also have the ML #333 and the Symphonic Line RG1 mk5. Symphonic is the best of the 3 with the Kinki and the big ML just below. The Kinki has teflon circuit boards and is built to a superb standard.  It is a JOB circuit and is fast with great mid range pace and imaging.  They are a steal!!!
I am vexed and perplexed by the fake outrage going on these days.  Everything and anything can be construed as offensive.  Folks from east Asia are in fact Oriental, because they are from the orient and not the occident.  This is a geographical thing.  Asia is a huge continent and encompasses peoples from India and Pakistan, which are also Asian.  

I am often labeled caucasian, even though my heritage is a mixed bag of English, Italian and Spanish.  But I look pretty much caucasian.  I speak Spanish, Portuguese, and a little German.  Should I be offended?  Gimme a break man!  
You've just whetted my appetite even more. That's rare company to be associated with.

5 days after ordering the EX M1, it shipped and the next day it's in L.A., in customs. I'll get it on Monday (god willing and the creek don't rise....).

And I have to mention the customer service even before I even get it. Alvin emailed me to make sure I knew it was stateside (with a link to DHL) and is eager to hear what I think about it. Who does that nowadays?

All the best,