Pre and Amp Suggestions

Given the way these things go, I’m almost afraid to ask this question but here goes: I’m finally at a place where my front-end and speakers are at “destination” level-at least for me....for now.  My question is where and what to upgrade between these two extremes. The speakers in question are Revel Studio 2s which I love, and the front-end dac/streamer is the Lumin T1 ruining Roon. The Lumin feeds into an analogue bypass section (no digital conversion) of an Anthem AVM60 going in turn to two 200 watt mono channels of a Sherbourn 7300. In trying to answer my question, I would appreciate keeping to the following parameters:

-no suggestions of other speakers or front end gear, I’m in a good place where I am right now.
-no suggestions of power conditioners, cables etc. Let’s just stick to the gear.

Just looking for pre and amp recommendations (or really good SS integrated amps). The sound right now is quite neutral, but perhaps a little lean but very revealing. I’m not looking to drastically alter the sound or play louder, just looking for more of the “good stuff”, resolution, staging etc. Might consider a tube pre or hybrid but really have no interest in an all tube power amp or massive class A space heater anymore. Ok let the games begin!
I have to agree about the PSAudio BHK line of products. Amazing sound and relatively affordable for the quality they provide. 
I haven't heard everything out there, but I am quite pleased with the combo of a McIntosh tube/hybrid preamp and my Odyssey Audio Kismet amp.  Should be right aroud your budget, especially if you go to Audio Classics for a used but newer McIntosh preamp (like a C220 or C2300).  Roll the tubes to Gold Lions or Mullards and you are good to go.  Tons of flexibility, and the combo should give you warm, detailed, spacious and dynamic sound.  YMMV, of course.
I love the T+A Integrated Amplifier model PA3100HV.I got Best of show at the LAAS show with a pair of Wilson Audio Alexx speakers. This unit retails for close to $20K.I do have a factory Demo unit on the PA3000HV that I can sell at $11K.

I would also Consider Bryston Audio's Amp/Pre-Amp combination.

+1 on Sunny’s T+A recommendation.

I replaced my Pass XP-20 and XA-30.8 (in my primary system) with the T+A PA 3100 HV. Despite doing so, I also support your looking into a Pass Amp / Integrated / Separates.

Since it hasn’t been mentioned: the Vitus SIA-025. I believe a used unit was listed for ~12K a few months ago.
I went thru a multitude of amps last year to get the sound right. Ended up getting back to my roots of Krell amplifiers. I currently using a re-capped Krell KSA-200S, and it has the variable Class A Bias. It doesn’t get hot like my other 2 Krells (KSA-250, KST-100). For the most part, these Krells are a bargain at their used price. I prefer the punch of the Krells over the Pass Labs "smooth" delivery.

Preamps are few and far away a crapshoot as to getting a good "really balanced" unit.

I currently am using a Schiit Freya preamp with (4) 6SN7 Tubes. The preamp allows for 3 levels of listening. Passive, JFET and 6SN7 tubes. Quite good sounding it is, and so flexible with the 3 types of available listening abilities. Tube rolling is easy, with the tubes sticking out for quick changes. Some of the NOS tubes put into the Freya really allow for some great sound.
I use an Audio Alchemy DDP-1 with DAC and preamp in the chain. The Freya is last, just before the amplifier.

The Audio Alchemy DDP-1 is used as the Volume Control with the Schiit Freya used as a way to switch 3 different types of sound into the equation. The Freya tube sound is so good, but some songs it’s nice to go to the Passive, or JFET sound on the Freya preamp and hear it with a little more edge in the sound presentation.

For some it would make sense to just use the Audio Alchemy Preamp. The sound is very, very good with the PS5 Power Supply add-on. Right now you can get both of the Audio Alchemy pieces for $1,500 ($1,000 off) at one of the dealers on the net. The DAC has 8 different filters to adjust to your liking. 4 of them upsample, and 4 of them are NOS.

Putting tubes into the equation with a preamp is something that I needed for Digital Music. I don’t spin Vinyl anymore.

To me... for Digital Playback.... a Solid State amplifier with a Preamp that has some Tubes to soften and add body to the sound. Always get as much power and you can afford.

For reference, I am using a high end pair of Martin Logans, along with a pair of REL S series subs sitting right next to them.

I would love a new Dan D’agostino Progression Stereo amp. In a few years, after the used ones come out for sale. I can dream.