OK. So if I understand correctly setting the volume control to around 30 on a scale of 0 to 255 seems about right on the recordings you’ve tried so far.
That suggests the gain is fairly high, and means that the sensitivity spec I referred to in my post dated 7-8-2018 is probably inaccurate, with the sensitivity numbers being lower than indicated.
It also means that using the amp as a power amplifier, in conjunction with a separate preamp or other component providing significant gain ahead of it, might be problematical. I had been toying with the idea of using this amp as a backup for my VAC power amp, and/or rotating it with the VAC now and then as a fun experiment or for a change of pace. (Using the Kinki as an integrated amp without a separate preamp would not be appropriate in my system, because I would not want to be without the signal processing and other functionality of the DEQX HDP-5 I use as a preamp).
Thanks again. Best regards,
-- Al
That suggests the gain is fairly high, and means that the sensitivity spec I referred to in my post dated 7-8-2018 is probably inaccurate, with the sensitivity numbers being lower than indicated.
It also means that using the amp as a power amplifier, in conjunction with a separate preamp or other component providing significant gain ahead of it, might be problematical. I had been toying with the idea of using this amp as a backup for my VAC power amp, and/or rotating it with the VAC now and then as a fun experiment or for a change of pace. (Using the Kinki as an integrated amp without a separate preamp would not be appropriate in my system, because I would not want to be without the signal processing and other functionality of the DEQX HDP-5 I use as a preamp).
Thanks again. Best regards,
-- Al