Audio & video improvement with this multi format player is further enhanced by simply changing the power supply board and especially having Modwright do a full upgrade including the internal vibration option.
Also like most players in this price range benefit enormously from draining self induced vibrations by using Symposium Rollerblocks 2+ or similar devices , it’s immediately appreciated with video and sound quality.
However since Oppo have announced they will cease all production of media players extraordinary claims of performance have popped up all over ,
The Oppo 205 is a all around good performer with video and audio, used as a transport with a Reclocker to dramatically reduce jitter along with a decent R2R ladder dac this could satisfy many for audio only .
Further improvements can be had as mentioned above although my question , is the stock Oppo 205 at current asking prices good value ?
As a owner of a Modwright 205 with Symposium Rollerblocks under it I use it primarily for video.
Also like most players in this price range benefit enormously from draining self induced vibrations by using Symposium Rollerblocks 2+ or similar devices , it’s immediately appreciated with video and sound quality.
However since Oppo have announced they will cease all production of media players extraordinary claims of performance have popped up all over ,
The Oppo 205 is a all around good performer with video and audio, used as a transport with a Reclocker to dramatically reduce jitter along with a decent R2R ladder dac this could satisfy many for audio only .
Further improvements can be had as mentioned above although my question , is the stock Oppo 205 at current asking prices good value ?
As a owner of a Modwright 205 with Symposium Rollerblocks under it I use it primarily for video.