System Rebuild

Fellow Agoners!

  Need some input assembling “the last” system. (Famous last words!) Cannibalized system to pay for doctoral studies and now I’m suffering audio DT’s and need to get my music back! However, funds are very limited @15K and I need speakers, Tube preamplifier, and digital source. I listen to 95% jazz, all idioms. (60/40 vinyl preference) Imaging and tonality are most important. Last speakers I owned were Scansonic MB2.5’s….and no, I never got rid of the bass boom despite owning for over a year and putting many hours through them. My dedicated listening room is 16 x 30 with 7.5 ceilings! I have Ethernet connection and power direct to panel just for this room.

Former components were PS Audio Direct Stream with Bridge, AR LS17, Primaluna Dialogue Pre, Aesthetix Calypso. Cables are all Analysis Plus Silver Oval or Solo Crystal Oval.


What’s left is my analog setup – anchored by ZYX 4D and AVID Pellere phono stage, and Quicksilver V4 mono tube amplifiers – KT150 version. What I’m considering:

Speakers in order of interest (used/demo):

1.     Nola KO I

2.     Acoustic Zen Crescendo I

3.     Harbeth 40.1

4.     Focal 1038Be

5.     ScanSonic MB-6


Digital in order of interest (used/demo):

1.     AYON CD-3sx

2.     Lumin D2

3.     Mytek Manhattan II


Tube Pre in order of interest (used/demo):

1.     BAT 33SE

2.     Primaluna Dialogue Premium

3.     Audio Research Ref 5


I’m also remotely considering all-in-one such as Lyngdorf 2170/3400 or Micromega 150.

I don’t listen loud. Emmerson into the musical experience is my goal and passion.


Thanks in advance for any comments.

Ag insider logo xs@2xcommunique1

Good to have you back in the game - communique1

In Atlanta seek out HiFiBuys operated by Alan. This will re-introduce you to fine gear. Keep us posted.  Happy Listening!

Thanks to all for suggestions. Been to HiFiBuys several times. A big Vandersteen/ARC shop. There's also The Audio Company with 15 minutes of my home with huge inventory of ultra-HiEnd gear. (Focal- Sopra and up, VAC, Von Schweikert Audio, Magico, Constellation...)
 To be honest each offers impressive options, Yet I'm not moved. I understand that to stay in business they can't' carry everything and I'm seeking items that may not have the press coverage...but offer as good or better performance for the money. Secondly, I rarely buy new! I don't buy new homes, cars, books, etc. I like others to wear the new off. Just bought a new-to-me Porsche Panamera and enjoy it just as much as if I spent the additional $50K to buy new! (However, my analog front end was purchased all new...). As far as speakers go I'd rather avoid the speaker break-in process.

What I seek is long term experiences with the particular loudspeakers and digital front ends mentioned. My analog front end is magical as well as the VR4's that's why I won't part with them. The highly vaunted PS Audio DS even began to sound mundane over time as well as the Primaluna pre....ho-hum...(to be fair I never indulged in tube swapping to get the best out of the willing to give another chance...)

More suggestions are highly welcomed.
Based upon your criteria, Harbeth M-40.1's are a great choice.   I owned them about 9 years ago and foolishly sold them to try something different.   I bought another pair about 3 years ago and they are here to stay.  They'll sound great with your Quickie's!
Thanks pdreher! The Harbeth's made my want list because of opinions such as yours. What size room do you have them in?
i understand four out of five of my Porsche’s were  used including the X-50 Turbo

but I drove Em all before buying....

good searching !!!!!