Yes they do.  I’m not here to advocate for any particular brand but I’ve heard a lot and they do matter. High Fidelity reveal cables, Kubala Sosna Elation and Clarity Cable Natural. I’m having a listening session where all of them is doing a great job. I’ve had cables that were cheaper in my system but a nicely priced cable that matches your system is a must.  I’m not here to argue what I’m not hearing because I have a pretty good ear.  I’m enjoying these three brands today and each is presenting the music differently but very nicely. Those who say cables don’t matter. Get your ears checked.  I have a system that’s worth about 30 to 35k retail.  Now all of these brands are above 1k and up but they really are performing! What are your thoughts. 
The skeptics capable of enunciating and verbalizing the skeptic’s philosophy seem to have a handful of supporters, but just an observation - those supporters don’t seem to have a position of their own, or if they do they keep it to themselves. I doubt they understand the argument. We call these supporters nodders. When they’re not nodding off they’re nodding. And what do they have in common, by their own words? They have trouble hearing. Hmmmmmm... it appears we should probably add a new word our list of talker, walker and sitter. Nodder.
...and walk off the cliff with all the believers. Tell me it won't hurt when I hit the bottom and I might look at it further. Until then I'll keep the $$$ in my own pocket and enjoy what I have currently ;)