Yes they do.  I’m not here to advocate for any particular brand but I’ve heard a lot and they do matter. High Fidelity reveal cables, Kubala Sosna Elation and Clarity Cable Natural. I’m having a listening session where all of them is doing a great job. I’ve had cables that were cheaper in my system but a nicely priced cable that matches your system is a must.  I’m not here to argue what I’m not hearing because I have a pretty good ear.  I’m enjoying these three brands today and each is presenting the music differently but very nicely. Those who say cables don’t matter. Get your ears checked.  I have a system that’s worth about 30 to 35k retail.  Now all of these brands are above 1k and up but they really are performing! What are your thoughts. 

@maritime51 They are great. I wish I owned one. AMG just happen too be my initials and I am keeping mine because I had them before MB-AMG :)

Yep, I am all ears to audio, possibly not as adept as most seem though.

Well gosh, if a group wants a discussion among folks who only want to discuss differences in cables they think they hear, with others of the same mind set, by all means do so and have fun. Just call it something other than "DO CABLES MAKE A DIFFERENCE...." which seems to invite dissenting opinions.
And the reason the burden of proof is not onthe sceptics is because of 150 years of Electrical Theory and Engineering not to mention the huge majority of actual unbiased blinded testing. If that stuff means nothing to you, well there really isn't a discussion to be had.
And if one CAN offer repeatable, verifiable evidence of the Highly Unlikely in signal transmission,  well, as I tell my friends who are fervent believers in ESP or ghosts, or UFO's or homeopathy, great, bring it on I would truly love to have a solid paradigm stood on it's head. I WANT to believe in magic, really I do.  
That seems to be the last of what I have to offer this thread, thanks for the many well intentioned thoughtful and funny posters of all mind sets. Shame about the other types.  Good night and joy be with you all.
Well gosh, if a group wants a discussion among folks who only want to discuss differences in cables they think they hear, with others of the same mind set, by all means do so and have fun. Just call it something other than "DO CABLES MAKE A DIFFERENCE...." which seems to invite dissenting opinions.


This is what I pointed out before. Why in the world start a thread asking IF cables make a difference....and then complain when people actually give their views, pro *and* con?

Previous threads have been similar, asking this question but when anyone provides the other view, the skeptical side, you get versions of "Why are you here bothering us? Can’t you just leave us alone!!?"It’s like "Do cables make a difference? Note: The only people welcome to comment are those who think they make a difference." Then...why ASK?

And it’s not like those of us with questions about cable claims are chasing cable-lovers all around the place. This sub-forum is filled with people happily discussing their cables. Personally I generally only enter these "debates" when that is the actual subject of a thread. And still EVEN in threads in which the opposing view seems to be asked for, if you give it you come in for personal and disparaging remarks here.

Also I find comments from, say, elizabeth quite strange about skeptics "raising hell." How would someone "raise hell" just voicing their own skeptical view of cables? That seems to imply a rather emotional/dogmatic commitment on the part of a cable lover if encountering someone else’s lack of belief just ruins their day.

In the case of calvinj starting this thread, I think it’s become apparent that he never really was interested in any in-depth conversation, or challenging of his own view, so much as just posting the OP as a put-down of anyone skeptical. Yes, yes we know calvinj, we’ll all get our ears looked at and upgrade our crap you’ve told us many times how deficient we are.

Cables matter. They don't all sound the same. I can easily tell my Van Den Hull carbon IC from my Blue Jeans, from my Audioquest from my AntiCable from my Harmonic Technologies.

Naysayers: I feel for ya, really, I do. 

@stevecham You say cables matter. That's fine. Some of us would like to hear your reasoning so we can see another viewpoint. However if you read the subject of this thread "DO CABLES REALLY MATTER?" there is no for or against argument in question.

We are all free to discuss the pro's and con's, but don't be condescending and call poster's who may not agree with you, "naysayers". You haven't justified yourself in your arguments. You have simply jumped on the name calling bandwagon.