Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

Great on those magnetic mats and let us know how it turns out. I will not be able to spend $600 per mat so your testing is important to me and many others. 
I have found ERS cloth sheets and tape to harm sound in some locations and gear, but improve sound in other instances.  You must experiment and see.  I works great in my balanced power conditioner and not so well in my past CD player or as a shield in audio cable production.  
I wonder if using a 60 mil magnetic mat together with an Omega E-mat (stacked) will improve the sound.  Or stacking them or stacking E-Mats as suggested by Geoff with a 1/4" gap.  So many possibilities. 
@sbayne.  Because the inventor who seems to know his business has suggested it as a use. 
It has been about 20 days with the Mat on the CD player and about 9 days with the second Mat on the breaker panel. The noise floor has dropped further. It allows each instrument and singer to materialize in sharp focus without out any digita glare whatsoever. The music sounds so real that that I am immediately engrossed in the interactions of instruments, vocalist etc.

I have never had this much fun experiencing music from my Hi-Fi with this moderate level of investment.

Thanks Tim,
