Tung-Sol EL-34B vs Genalex Gold Lion KT77 for Cayin A100T Integrated Tube Amplifier


I recently got a new set of Speakers and an Integrated Tube Amplifier. 

The amp was a used unit and came with stock Cayin tubes (probably 100 hours on them). I guess these Cayins could be any Chinese re-rebranded tubes.

Overall the sound is good but I found the top end to be a little edgy and bright with my system. Therefore, I've been looking into replace these with a new set of tubes.

In the past, I have tried EL34 Mullards, EL34 Electro Harmonix and EL34B Tung Sol. The Mullards have good bass but sounded dull in my system and lacked some detail. The Tung Sols sounded the best.

Now, I've read the Genalex Gold Lion KT77 are also very good, with extreme top end detail and neutral sound.

Ideally, I am looking for power tubes that can extract subtle nuances and detail from recording while still being warm and mellow at the top end, without been harsh or bright; perhaps a hard to find combination?

The Genalex Gold Lion are twice the price of the EL34B Tung Sols. Although, it will cost me a third of what I paid for the amp to replace the 8 tubes, I might go for it if they are much better than the Tung Sol and I get the sound am aiming for.

I might also need to look into the pre-amp tube section. As far as I know, the tubes which will affect the sound quality on this particular amp, are the power tubes (EL 34s) and the pair of (12 AU7s) pre-amp tubes. 

The single (12 AX7) and pair of (6CG7s) are for control only. So I should focus on the power tubes and the pair of 12 AU7s.

The Cayin A100T has the following tube set:

Power Tubes

Eight EL-34 

Pre-Amp Tubes

One 12Ax7

Two 12AU7

Two 6CG7

-Is the Genalex Gold Lion KT77 considered bright and clinical sounding?

-Which pre-amp tubes (12 AU7) should I look into, for a real sound quality improvement?

-Finally, should I care about matching pairs and quads if the amp offers independent bias adjustment on each tube?

Please let me know, your advice will be appreciated,





My system:

Rotel RCD 1570 CD player

Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 speakers

Cayin A100T Integrated Tube Amplifier

I have tried EL34 Mullards, EL34 Electro Harmonix and EL34B Tung Sol. The Mullards have good bass but sounded dull in my system and lacked some detail.
I've tried them as well. The Mullards will work with front-end components that are revealing. The T-S did not sound organic or realistic and had a sharp top-end.

I'm using the Genalex Gold Lion KT77's and they have everything I've been looking for; XL dynamics, extended yet smooth highs, a spacious soundstage in all directions, and a sense of realism. Not wanting to take a chance due to their high price, I contacted a couple of members who highly recommended them.

I've never tried the Cryoset, but that's a good price; better than the big name dealer who sells the KT-77s.
   I've read the benefits, but always wondered if a cryo'd tube will truly last as long since it affects the structure of delicate filaments and solder joints.
Thank you all for the valued advise.
Is anyone familiar with pre-amp tubes? I read somewhere that for this particular amp, only the 12AU7 will affect the sound quality, the rest (12AUX7 and 6CG7) are for pre-amp control only and are not affecting the sound. Is that correct?
Which ones should look into for sound improvement?
If the two 12au7’s are the preamp tubes, then rolling them will provide the greatest change in sonics.

I suspect the other small signal tubes are the inputs for the amp section. The 12AX7 would be the gain tube and would also have a major influence on overall sound.
   These are the tubes that most affect the timbre or tone of the amp. Also imaging and dynamics.

Do you have the manual to confirm the tube configuration?