Just want to say thanks to everyone for all the help. I spend time on a number of technical type websites. Some of them are not so friendly especially when you're a noob asking stupid questions. It is refreshing to get good, friendly, non-condescending advice on a technical website and I appreciate it.
Your questions aren't stupid. We all start somewhere. I think the members on this forum are likely a bit older than some of the other forums. In my experience, as we get older, most of us get more patient as well as learn that 1) there is more than one correct answer, 2) our opinion is exactly that, and 3) there is plenty of room in this world for other views.
I have found AVSforum to be pretty good also, but they are much more oriented towards home theater and are pretty strongly in the objectiveness camp. That said, I have watched them get on experience forum members for not being polite to new members or acting arrogant towards them.