Reed 3P dealer

Does anyone know of a Reed dealer who can actually obtain and sell any 3P variation by getting the arms from Lithuania (rather than relying upon the dealer's inventory)?
Why do I ask? I have a 3P and love it. It so impressed a very knowledgeable friend of mine that he wants one. He can't find a dealer who can sell him his choice of the wood and hardware finish. 
If you had the opportunity to make your Reed purchase again, would you go with the 12” or a shorter length? Just curious.
I realize you directed your question to Chakster, but if I had it to over again, it would be the 10.5 too. I love the sound from the 12 but aesthetically, it throws off the balance with my Thorens TD124. It hangs over the front edge of the plinth ever so slightly. 

It would be impossible for any local dealer to keep up with the variations available on Reed  tonearms.
Without a doubt but this is not the problem. The "problem" is that the known US dealers seem to be no longer selling Reeds for one reason or another. One has retired. One says he is no longer obtaining new arms and only selling from stock. 
Would you care to name the dealer that has "stock" of Reed tonearms?  I kind of want a 10.5-inch 3P with red cedar arm wand and cryo-treated silver wire continuous from headshell to phono input, balanced wiring. What are the odds?
I've got a Teres table, so I can accommodate most any arm (however, the armboard is drilled for a Rega, so I'd have to redrill to mound a Reed).

I'd really like a 10.5" 3P w/ Cocobolo wand, black body, and balanced wiring. I'm not ready to pull the trigger, but sure like to think about it!

Steve Dobbins is incredibly knowledgeable and a pleasure to deal with. Just be aware that his shop is not open every day and he may take a day or two to get back with you. I bought my 12" Reed 3P from him.He told me that no one orders a 9" Reed and he has never sold one. He thinks that the 10.5 all things being equal is the best arm but he also had a stock of 12" (obviously since I bought one). 
I forgot that I knew that Steve Dobbins is or was a dealer for Reed tonearms. Thanks for reminding me. He is a very nice guy, I agree.