Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
I would guess the level of intensity has something to do with effectiveness as well. I bet mine will stay in place at 100 mph!

See my previous post, which I just amended to address intensity. The reason eMats are more effective when stacked probably is not (rpt not) a function of magnet intensity. You said it yourself - strong magnets hurt the sound. Hel-loo! The trick is knowing WHAT TO MANIPULATE. And that whole subject is unfortunately one of those unmentionable subjects and beyond scope.
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It just seems to me that this subtopic has generated enough interest to be worthy of the spotlight of it’s own thread. 
Well, he is absolutely within his rights to hide the secrets of his product. When people talk about cutting the mat open and other questions I would discourage that sort of thing too. Who wouldn’t? Hel-loo! I had a skeptic take an Intelligent Chip (which wasn’t even my product!) to a metallurgist to try to determine the metals and other material used in its construction, not realizing the active ingredient (artificial atoms) was sandwiched between the two thin discs, out of view of the scanning electron microscope. 😛

Never smarten up a chump and never ever give a sucker an even break.
Thanks Geoff. That's what I was thinking. But no worries it will not go to waste. I'm planning a sign to warn all audio cheapskates.

Watch for me in your neighborhood in the near future.
