First impression: Herron VTPH-2A phono preamp

I got my VTPH-2A this morning and it's up and running. After about five hours of spinning vinyl, I'm pretty sure I've wet myself, MULTIPLE TIMES! I've primarily played vinyl that I've had for decades, music that I thought I was intimately familiar with. I was wrong. There's nuance I never knew existed. Everything about the VTPH-2A is "right". The bass is tight, vocals superb, instruments have places, etc.  All that I've listened to sounds new and fresh and the most masterfully recorded vinyl sounds live. What I've read about on this forum concerning the VTPH-2A (pretty much all stellar) is true. I've had five different phono preamps and nothing can compete with this, NOTHING. It's a bad ass and definitely a keeper.
What improvement is the VTPH-2A vs the VTPH-2?

I don’t think there’s much from what I saw of the specs, the 2A is 100ohms lower in output impedance, (400 instead of 500), the rest seemed the same.


2A at the bottom

Yep, 8db lower noise on the 2A

Cheers George
Regarding the 8 db spec difference in S/N ratio between the VTPH-2 and VTPH-2A that George pointed out, I can say that one thing which has particularly amazed me about my VTPH-2 is how quiet it is. In fact when I listen with my Stax electrostatic headphones and no music is playing I hear absolutely nothing even with the volume control on the Stax amplifier at max (which is **way** higher than I would ever set it while listening to music). (With speakers I do hear some slight noise at high volume settings if I get close to the speakers, but that is clearly being introduced elsewhere in the system).

I see that the 80 db spec for the VTPH-2 is accompanied by the words "noise level will be tube dependent." Perhaps the 88 db spec for the 2A simply reflects a change Keith made in his choice of tube manufacturer at some point in the evolution of the design, and/or a change in the criteria he applies in the tests I assume he performs to weed out noisy tubes.

Best regards,
-- Al

I`ve been wondering lately if there would be an improvement going to the VTPH-2 from my VTPH-1 MC Plus.
On the surface it doesn`t seem to be cost effective for me because I don`t see myself going back to MM cartridges.
Why pay for features that I`ll not be using !?
Has anybody here compared the two versions using the same MC cartridge ?
I found my Goldpoint and it's a 24 step SA1. If memory serves me correctly, I bought the "standard Issue" which means it's impedance is 25K ohms. I'll run the VTPH-2A through it this weekend direct line to my Bryston 4B Cubed and give an update.